Affinity Increase.Protocol Documentation

The Increase Affinity protocol is based on the premise that increasing buried hydrophobic surface area and/or decreasing buried hydrophilic surface area will generally lead to enhanced binding affinity provided steric clashes are not introduced and buried polar groups are not left without a hydrogen bond partner. All point mutations at the protein-protein interface that fit the above criteria are tried, and the resulting changes in protein-protein binding free energies (ddGbinding) are computed. ddGbinding is computed using the following equation:
where dGmut/dGwt are the binding energies computed for the mutant and wild type structures respectively.

An energies table is output by Rosetta. The results in the table are sorted, with the point mutations that are predicted to yield the greatest increase in binding affinity at the top of the table. The results are also filtered such that point mutations that are predicted to give a ddGbinding of greater than -0.5 kcal/mol are not included.

Tendencies of the Increase Affinity Protocol:

This protocol assumes that the conformation of the unbound state is the same as the bound state, thus losing information about the stability of individual partners in the ddGbinding predictions. We therefore include ddGpartner A and ddGpartner B in the output table. We have also found that the energetic penalty for removing a hydrogen bond in an unminimized crystal structure can be insignificant compared to the other energy terms, resulting in a false prediction that the mutation is stabilizing to the complex. In addition, if a polar residue has a large number of neighbors (~>20), that residue can be considered very buried, and is likely participating in a hydrogen bond and should probably not be mutated. We include the ddGh-bond and number of neighbors to help the user screen for these types of destabilizing mutations.

The following additional filters may be applied at the user's discretion, to address the above mentioned issues in an automated way: 1) require the ddGh-bond, the hydrogen bond energy term, to be zero or less, directing the results to exclude mutations that remove a side-chain involved in a hydrogen bond, and 2) require that the ddGpartner A, and ddGpartner B be less than or equal to 1.0 in an effort to remove mutations that are predicted to significantly destabilize one of the individual chains.
Our work indicates that adding these filters does tend to increase the rate of success, but at the expense of the number of predictions. Some protein-protein interfaces yield so few predictions that pass these filters that it becomes necessary to leave one or both of them off.

INTOUT file from Increase Affinity Protocol:

Mutation  ddG_bind  ddG_partnerA  ddG_partnerB  #Neighbors  ddG_h_bond
98B N>L:    -9.7       0.0        0.3         14            0.0
98B N>Y:    -9.7       0.0        0.3         14            0.0
98B N>F:    -9.6       0.0        0.4         14            0.0
98B N>M:    -9.4       0.0        0.6         14            0.0
The mutation data is in following format:
98B N>L where the chain is B, the wild type amino acid is N, the sequence position is 98, and the mutant amino acid is L.

Designing affinity enhancing mutations with multi-chain PDBs

To design stability enhancing mutations on PDB files with 3 or more chains, you must reconstruct the PDB file with a TER between the two "sides" of the interface. For example, take a PDB file with 4 chains: A, B, C, and D. Assume you want to design stability enhancing mutations between the interface formed by chains A and C together with chains B and D together. You will need to edit your PDB file so that all the ATOM lines from chains A and C are together, followed by a line containing only TER, followed by all the ATOM lines in chains B and D.

Below is an truncated example of how the PDB should look to design between chains AC and BD. Note that the atom and residue numbering in the PDB file do not have to be in order.

ATOM      1  N   SER A  11      84.265  65.648  63.661  1.00 64.25           N
ATOM      2  CA  SER A  11      83.271  66.744  63.480  1.00 63.79           C
ATOM      3  C   SER A  11      83.851  67.907  62.673  1.00 63.01           C
ATOM      4  O   SER A  11      83.138  68.855  62.329  1.00 63.82           O
ATOM      7  N   LEU A  12      85.145  67.835  62.374  1.00 60.18           N
ATOM      8  CA  LEU A  12      85.801  68.876  61.590  1.00 57.24           C
ATOM      9  C   LEU A  12      85.558  68.630  60.108  1.00 53.24           C
ATOM     10  O   LEU A  12      85.292  67.499  59.697  1.00 53.48           O
ATOM   3442  N   LYS C  94      94.253  40.203  50.905  1.00 66.18           N
ATOM   3443  CA  LYS C  94      94.422  38.755  50.902  1.00 70.49           C
ATOM   3444  C   LYS C  94      94.934  38.311  49.529  1.00 72.66           C
ATOM   3445  O   LYS C  94      94.429  38.754  48.498  1.00 72.25           O
ATOM   3451  N   PRO C  95      95.957  37.440  49.504  1.00 74.91           N
ATOM   3452  CA  PRO C  95      96.555  36.928  48.265  1.00 76.39           C
ATOM   3453  C   PRO C  95      95.554  36.281  47.309  1.00 78.07           C
ATOM   3454  O   PRO C  95      95.707  35.073  47.022  1.00 79.37           O
ATOM   1391  N   SER B  11     105.103  72.699  78.897  1.00 51.29           N
ATOM   1392  CA  SER B  11     106.135  71.642  79.073  1.00 49.75           C
ATOM   1393  C   SER B  11     106.878  71.399  77.761  1.00 47.71           C
ATOM   1394  O   SER B  11     107.895  70.707  77.733  1.00 47.98           O
ATOM   1397  N   LEU B  12     106.365  71.963  76.672  1.00 44.31           N
ATOM   1398  CA  LEU B  12     107.001  71.792  75.371  1.00 41.63           C
ATOM   1399  C   LEU B  12     108.215  72.701  75.245  1.00 39.97           C
ATOM   1400  O   LEU B  12     108.289  73.748  75.896  1.00 39.19           O
ATOM   3459  N   SER D   4      80.060  73.057  67.538  1.00 61.21           N
ATOM   3460  CA  SER D   4      80.054  73.502  66.114  1.00 60.96           C
ATOM   3461  C   SER D   4      81.475  73.642  65.569  1.00 61.03           C
ATOM   3462  O   SER D   4      81.744  73.267  64.429  1.00 61.61           O
ATOM   3465  N   ARG D   5      82.374  74.182  66.391  1.00 60.41           N
ATOM   3466  CA  ARG D   5      83.773  74.377  66.011  1.00 60.25           C
ATOM   3467  C   ARG D   5      84.673  74.232  67.247  1.00 60.14           C
ATOM   3468  O   ARG D   5      84.180  74.101  68.370  1.00 59.86           O